Brocade & Bella Vista


(Jacket: Free People, Sweater: Zara, Shirt: Free People, Jeans: Urban Outfitters, Flats: J. Crew Factory, Hat: Forever 21, Belt: Lucky Brand, Necklace: Doxahlogy, Bag: Beara Beara)

My new Bella Vista bag from Beara Beara is the perfect slouchy barrel bag. It's expandable enough to throw all of my stuff in it, but the leather's also soft enough so that if it's not full, it's not stiff. This bag is also a prime example of how to make black and brown look oh so good together. Personally, I've never been a fan or follower of the anti black and brown rule. This casual look was for a day spent in classes, so I paired the bag with my charcoal jeans, black bow flats, a navy striped t, and a beige sweater. I played with a bit of mixed patterns and paired my brocade jacket with the rest of the look. Also, because my roots are in desperate need of a touch-up, I topped the look off with a black hat. Another rough hair day, another hat to save the day. Thank goodness for that, right?

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  1. wow, your style is bananas! that is an amazing coat. love the brocade and the color <3

  2. I always love your outfits and photography. Your photography style is so unique and mysterious. I love the shadows and contrasts.

    I'm not going to lie that I threw the black/brown rule out the window a fer years ago and never looked back. I love wearing them together. Leather in particular!


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