(Blazer: Persun, Shirt: Persun, Shorts: Thrifted, Ankle Boots: Jeffrey Campbell, Sunnies: Ray-Ban, Watch: Fossil, Jewelry: Antique)
I hope you all enjoyed your long Labor Day weekend. I thought it was so nice to just hang around the house and spend time with my family.
Here's a look featuring two of the great pieces sent from Persun. I thought they went perfectly together. I love a colorful floral, but I always pair a bright print with some darker colors to ground it. With this being said, I chose to compliment the blazer and shirt with black leather shorts and black ankle boots. It's funny because earlier I was thinking about what colors I enjoy wearing most, and, in all honesty, I feel so comfortable and confident in black, but I also love wearing a nicely done colored print. This outfit allows me to have the best of both.
did you have any problems ordering from Persun? i read a few neg reviews and just wondered how your experience was? i see a ton of things id love to buy from there but a little shy.